Britvic backs community causes

Young boxers at a Sported session

Britvic has named charities The Wildlife Trusts and Sported as its new long-term community partners.

Each charity will benefit from a combination of corporate support, employee volunteering support and fundraising initiatives. In 2015, Britvic’s employees raised over £288,000 for a wide variety of charities, with previous corporate partner Cancer Research UK receiving £100,000 over a three year period.

Sported supports over 3,000 local sports groups across the UK and collectively, its members deliver over 100 different sporting activities to reach, engage and transform the lives of over 450,000 young people. Funding and volunteer support from Britvic will help Sported extend its services to even more community groups, and support sporting opportunities for disadvantaged young people that are inclusive and accessible to all.

There are 47 individual Wildlife Trusts across the UK, all working towards protecting wildlife and encouraging people and families to get active outdoors, leading to better health and wellbeing. Together the Trusts provide opportunities for millions of people to connect with nature in the local communities where they live. The Wildlife Trusts care for around 2,300 nature reserves and advise thousands of landowners and organisations on how to manage their land for wildlife. They also run marine conservation projects around the coast, collecting vital data on the state of our seas and celebrating the UK’s amazing marine wildlife.

Alison Rothnie, Senior Sustainability Manager at Britvic, commented: “We are determined to make a positive contribution to society more broadly and partnering with The Wildlife Trusts and Sported supports our ambition to encourage people to lead healthier and more active lifestyles as well as protecting the environment for posterity.”


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