Breakfast of champions

Pack of Monster Munch and a four-finger KitKat

Never one to miss the most important meal of the day, Under The Counter was shocked to discover a whopping 89% of time-pressed working Scots are skipping breakfast.

According to a study commissioned by yfood – which is something called a smart food brand – Scotland’s wage slaves miss out on breakfast nine times a month on average, with Gen Z (91%) most likely to leave the house with rumbling guts.

Containing, as it does, people whose birth year falls between 1996 and 2010, Under The Counter missed the Gen Z bus by several decades. He is, however, a paid-up member of the Gen Zzz cohort – people who fall asleep at their desk between 14:30 and 16:00.

Over half (55%) of those surveyed said they get so hungry that they stop off for a packet of crisps on the way to work, while five in 10 (50%) tuck into a packet of biscuits for breakfast. The Auld Boy stayed awake long enough to figure out this means 5% must be hoovering up both crisps and biscuits. The breakfast of champions, indeed.

While yfood suggests sipping one of its nutritionally complete ready-to-drink meals instead of demolishing a bag of Monster Munch and six KitKats, UTC has a far more elegant solution.

The Auld Boy likes to breakfast on a bowl of Sugar Puffs followed by tea and toast. However, to save time in the morning, he cunningly consumes these just before his weary old head hits the pillow last thing at night.

Under The Counter

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