Blu unveils global marketing campaign

Drag queen vaping

Blu launches its new global brand and marketing campaign in the UK today (4th April), under the tagline “Just You & blu”.

The multi-million pound activity spans across television, print ads, bus stops and billboards, as well as digital content. The main part of the campaign will run in the UK for six weeks up until new advertising restrictions come into effect.

The new promotion consists of a series of short films in addition to black and white imagery. The first phase of the campaign focuses on different individuals – a motorcyclist, a comedian, a drag queen, a model and a pilot – each with their own story to tell and with their own connection to the blu brand.

The campaign also includes 50 P&H blu-branded lorries on the road from 18th April. There will also be feature coverage in Marie Claire, Timeout and Shortlist.

“The campaign captures the moment of satisfaction that blu gives to our consumers, in a compelling and thoughtful way,” said John Wardley, Chief Marketing Officer for Fontem Ventures, the parent company of blu.

“We have intentionally avoided the clichés that have historically defined marketing in this category – it’s not about battery life, or flavour ranges, or gadgetry, it’s about real people enjoying a real moment with blu.”

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