Walkers has launched a new TV campaign, fronted by brand ambassador Gary Lineker, to support the launch of Walkers’ biggest ever lunch promotion. The promotion offers one in six shoppers the chance to win a free lunch up to the value of £4.
The advert sees Lineker covered in a flock of pigeons when his work colleague throws crumbs over him in retaliation for the football pundit’s refusal to share his crisps.
Rachel Holms, Walkers Marketing Director commented: “At Walkers we are keen to drive the excitement of our on-pack lunch promotion with a new TV creative featuring Gary Lineker. We are confident that the campaign will drive sales and growth for the lunch occasion as it will drive winning consumers back into store for their free lunch on Walkers.”
The lunch campaign from Walkers kicked off early April and will run until 11th July 2015. Promotional packs of Walkers crisps include a ‘1 in 6 wins a free lunch’ on-pack flash and a unique 12-digit code. Consumers need to enter the code on the Walkers website or send a text to find out if they are a winner. The free lunch can be redeemed in a number of ways including coupons, the Walkers website or mobile phone app Shopitize.
There will be strong levels of digital and in-store shopper marketing activity to accompany the new TV campaign.