Is it a bird? Actually, it’s Tetley’s Awesome Woman

Tetley's Awesome Woman

Tetley has unveiled a £5m campaign – its biggest yet outside of black tea – to promote its range of Super Teas.

An outdoor campaign will be followed by an initial four-week burst of TV exposure in early November. The television campaign will be bolstered by cinema; VOD; outdoor and print advertising; PR and social media. At the same time a targeted sampling campaign will circulate 700,000 samples with a 50p money-off coupon. A further burst of activity is scheduled for the New Year.

“We have had a good level of success with our Supers range so far, so our mission now is to extend the appeal of the products and encourage shoppers to explore what the range of Super Teas offers,” says Alex Snowden, Senior Brand Manager for Innovation at Tetley.

To highlight the difference of this range, Tetley has taken a fresh approach with its latest ad, introducing new character ‘Awesome Woman’ (pictured), who – with a mix of super hero adventures – explores the health benefits of the range.

“The link with Super Teas is clear and easy to recall and it’s tested positively on purchase intent of non-black tea drinkers, a key audience for Tetley Super Teas. If we can convert this intent into purchase it will be good news for the range and for the tea category as a whole,” concluded Snowden.

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