Bestway makes wholesale board changes

Martin Race

Bestway Wholesale has restructured its board following the decision by Younus Sheikh to move to a non-executive role within the organisation.

Sheikh, one of Bestway’s founders in 1976, will continue to oversee the wholesale business, while Martin Race (pictured) replaces him as Managing Director.

Naser Khan, previously Finance Director, becomes Chief Operating Officer handling Finance, IT, Legal, HR, Health & Safety, Property and Facilities.

In other changes, Dawood Pervez replaces Race as Trading Director after working closely with him over the last six months in preparation for the role.

From September Rizwan Pervez moves from Operations Director to the newly-created post of Customer Liaison Director, while Paul Rowland joins the company to head up Operations.

Younus Sheikh commented: “With an impressive track record, unrivalled man-management skills and the ability to foster lasting and collaborative relationships with suppliers, Martin, with the support of Naser in his new role of COO, will ensure the business continues to go from strength to strength. However, wholesale is in my blood and I will continue to guide and advise the senior management team.”

Race thanked Sheikh for his leadership over the last 40 years. “We would not be where we are without him at the helm. He has been involved exclusively in the wholesale business for four decades and, in addition to his business skills, he is widely respected for his honesty, integrity and incredible dedication. We will continue to drive the business forward with these values at our heart, and I am honoured to receive his vote of confidence and support in taking over from him as Managing Director.”

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