Average basket cost more in August


Grocery prices in August rose by 1% month-on-month, according to data from groceries website mySupermarket.co.uk.

An average basket of 35 essential products cost £86.75 in August compared to £86.11 in July. Over the course of a year the increase would cost shoppers an extra £33 for their favourite grocery products.

The cost of the same 35 most commonly bought grocery products are monitored by mySupermarket’s Groceries Tracker, which publishes the prices on a monthly basis.

The products that increased the most in August compared to July were crisps (up 6%), mushrooms (up 10%) and onions, up by an eye-watering 16%. Fans of carrots (down 3%) and cucumbers (down 3%) can be happy as these products fell in price the most. However children everywhere will shudder when they find out broccoli has dropped 2% in price.

Costs are still lower than a year ago, as the same basket in August 2014 was priced at £91.19, a saving of 5%.

Gilad Simhony, CEO of mySupermarket.co.uk, said: ‘’The increase in price for our essential products is worrying and could herald the beginning of a bigger rise in the cost of groceries. The good news is that shoppers do not need to pay more for the products they love as comparing prices and playing the supermarkets off one another can result in huge savings. Shoppers can save around £1,000 each year if they compare prices.’’

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