Always launches price-marked pack

Always Ultra sanitary towels

Always is launching a £2.29 price-marked-pack (PMP) along with a packaging makeover for its Always Ultra SKUs.

Available now to convenience and independent retailers, the new Always Ultra PMP SKU comes with a front-of-pack ‘scale’ to clearly highlight the size of the pad, making it easier for shoppers to find the product that is right for them.

Christina Turner, Always Brand Manager at P&G, commented: “Through our research we were able to find that although currently the majority of sales come from the smallest sized pads, shoppers are more likely to pick larger sizes when they see the pads out of their packaging. Our primary focus is to provide superior protection for women, and our new pack design aims to do exactly this by helping them choose the right size and absorbency so that leak incidents are minimised.”

Turner concluded: “We know that convenience is one of our growing sectors, and with many women buying Femcare products whilst on top-up missions and 44% of them  more likely to make an impulse purchase if the product is a price-marked pack, our new PMP offering provides a huge opportunity for convenience retailers wanting to grow this important category.”

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