Acid chazz

Chazz pussy-flavoured crisps

Under The Counter is a man whose withered frame was forged in the fire of simpler times: nae internet, three TV channels, and the only crisp brand on shelves was Golden Wonder. In fact, make that the coal fire of simpler times, because there was nae central heating either.

Now we have full-fat internet, a million TV channels and just as many crisp brands.

These include Chazz, which one of SLR’s international readers caught on camera in a Kraków Carrefour.

The Auld Boy was outraged by the picture, his short fuse lit by the sight of that empty outer lurking in the background.

Regarding the crisps, which were clearly dreamt up by someone on LSD, UTC’s research into Chazz found that the Lithuanian-based business “is a crazy young team that started its adventurous journey in 2018”.

This revelation proved triggering for the Auld Boy; his last encounter with a crazy young team left him on the wrong end of a torrent of abuse when he refused to buy a bottle of Buckie for some local underage neds.

The Auld Boy also reported that Chazz is the first snack brand website he’s visited that has an age verification gateway. You don’t get that with Golden Wonder.

Under The Counter

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